Paid Sick & Safe Time


Gig workers deserve paid sick & safe time.

Gig workers fought for and won the right to take care of ourselves and our families during the pandemic. After the period of emergency, we were able to win this right permanently, so we can take time off when we are sick or need to care for our families, without worrying about how we’ll pay the bills.

This PayUp policy is the first of its kind anywhere in the US. And that’s what happens when workers lead the way and build the laws that matter to them from the ground up.

The details:

  • Gig workers are now entitled to accrue at least one day of paid sick and safe time for every 30 days worked.

  • While taking leave, pay is based on average daily compensation, and time can be used in day-long increments.

  • App companies must create accessible systems so that gig workers can check and request to use our Paid Sick and Safe Time.

The law goes fully into effect on January 13, 2024, under CB 120514.

Seattle is now the best city in the nation to do gig work, and we’re showing the rest of the country what’s possible when workers organize for what we need and deserve.