I got involved in the campaign when I realized I was working 40 hours a week, delivering 120 bags, and my pay was cut in half from one week to the next. How is that possible? How does GoPuff have so much control over how I’m being compensated if we’re supposed to be “partners”?

We need to take action together to make change. Without drivers working together, GoPuff management will continue to divide us & exploit us all.
— Ronald, GoPuff driver

Why GoPuff workers are on strike

Hundreds of GoPuff workers from dozens of warehouses across the country are on strike Tuesday November 23rd for better pay, flexible access to shifts, and protection from unfair deactivation.

Drivers are refusing to work their scheduled shifts that day and co-workers are refusing to pick up those shifts. GoPuff has built its multi-billion dollar valuation on the promise of ultra-fast convenience delivery — but with no drivers, there's no GoPuff. 

Updates: Multiple Philadelphia warehouses started the day scrambling for drivers, trying to cajole workers to break ranks with bonuses of $3 per delivery, rising higher over the day. On a normal day deliveries typically only pay a few bucks — so this is basically *doubling* pay. The Athens, GA warehouse had to shut down this morning for lack of work. In Richmond, VA, only a single driver showed up for work, and managers were left scrambling. In Milpitas, CA, they continue to add shifts but nobody is working them. The Dallas warehouse is offering $6 boosts to try to pull people in. And Philly media turned out in force as a delegation of worker leaders protested at the company's corporate headquarters in Center City.


Drive for GoPuff?

Know your rights:
check out our strike resource page.

What it’s all about

Many of us depend on the flexibility of gig work to accommodate caretaking needs, disabilities, and other jobs. But on GoPuff, we can be terminated for missing a single shift, with no protection or sick time. Others turn to gig work because we’ve faced discrimination in traditional jobs, and want the freedom of working without a boss. We value the flexibility of gig work — but GoPuff is failing to deliver on that promise.

GoPuff recently landed a $1 billion dollar investment — and the very same week they slashed pay, cut bonuses, and limited access to shifts. Now GoPuff workers around the country are coming together to take action, united around the following demands:

  • Better pay: Raise the hourly guarantee to at minimum $20/hour, PLUS the cost of our mileage during work time at the IRS rate. We are responsible for gas, repairs, and all other expenses — so the hourly subsidy should cover all the hours we work, whether it's scheduled or unscheduled.

  • Flexible access to shifts: We need GoPuff to give a guaranteed minimum number of hours to all drivers, and give us the ability to drop & schedule shifts freely. We need the flexibility we’ve been promised.

  • Deactivation protection: We need a clear explanation of causes for termination, no terminations without a specific cause, and a third-party appeal process.  If GoPuff calls us independent contractors, they shouldn't let warehouse managers decide on terminating us.

No drivers, no GoPuff.

I decided to be a leader because it’s abhorrent the amount of time and effort we’ve put into this company to get very little back. Whether you realize how much we get taken advantage of or not, every driver knows we are getting the short end of the stick.”
— Candace Hinson, GoPuff driver

The latest…

With hundreds of GoPuff workers in dozens of warehouses across the country set to go on strike Tuesday for better pay, shift access, and deactivation protections, the company responded… with an email promising some free snacks. #GoPuffYourself

Follow online for more info at #GoPuffYourself