Strike Notice for Nov. 23 GoPuff Driver Strike

A strike notice should be delivered to GoPuff in advance of the action (before your first missed shift if you have any shifts scheduled Tuesday). Copy & paste the text below, fill in your name at the bottom, and send your strike notice to

Attention GoPuff corporate and warehouse management:

This is to notify you that today, November 23, 2021, we’re going on strike for one day to make the following demands:

1) Better pay: We need the hourly subsidy raised to at minimum $20/hour, PLUS the cost of our mileage during work time at the IRS rate. The hourly subsidy should cover all the hours we work, whether it's scheduled or unscheduled.

2) Flexible access to shifts: We need GoPuff to give a guaranteed minimum number of hours to all drivers, and give us the ability to drop & schedule shifts freely.

3) Deactivation protection: We need a clear explanation of causes for termination, no terminations without a specific cause, and a third-party appeal process. If GoPuff calls us independent contractors, they shouldn't let warehouse managers decide on terminating us.

We're taking this action together with GoPuff workers across the country in support of these demands, and in support of our co-workers.

This is a peaceful, one-day strike, and we will return to work unconditionally for our next scheduled shift starting at or after 12:01 am on November 24, 2021.

You are prohibited by federal law from firing, discriminating or retaliating against us for fighting together to improve our jobs.

We are sick of being treated unfairly, being denied the flexibility we need, and not being able to pay our bills or provide for our families.


Sign Name       

Make sure to take a screenshot of your strike notice & save the email for record-keeping. If you want, you can CC on your strike notice so we have a record too. If you don’t have shifts scheduled Tuesday & are taking part in the strike by simply not working, sending a strike notice is optional. For more info on strike notices, see the legal resource page here.