Tips on holding strikelines at a GoPuff warehouse

Holding a strikeline at a warehouse is a great way to show GoPuff management how much workers are united for our demands — here are a few tips on how to do it with the most success.

Show support

It just makes sense: the more people who turn out for a strikeline, but more strength you show, and the stronger the message you send. You don’t need a million or even a hundred people to bring it home, but you also don’t want to be there on your own: aim for group of a half-dozen or so at least. It’s important that most of the people there are workers, but you can definitely invite friends & family to join too — community support makes a big impact.

Bring signs

Be sure to make signs with our key messages — signs is what makes it a strikeline and not just people hanging around. The signs don’t have to be anything fancy — all it takes is a Sharpie and a piece of cardboard. It’s best to keep the language on the signs clear and focused around the issues that bring people together. And make sure it’s stuff that would make sense to people who might not know much about GoPuff.

Take pictures & video

If you’re going to all this trouble, make sure to take pictures & video to spread the word! Share it on social media with #GoPuffYourself, or send it on over to No need for discretion, you can’t take too many pictures, and you can’t send too many over!

Call the media

If you have a good group and good signs and things are looking good, take a second to call local TV stations and newspapers and let them know you’re on strike with a picketline — they’re always looking for good stores, so they might very well come by to find out more. You can usually find a good newsroom phone number on TV & newspaper websites, but if you have any trouble let us know and we can help track it down.

Don’t block entrances

Don’t physically block entrances to the worksite or prevent people from going in or out.

Don’t argue 

It’s important to keep everything cool — with managers, cops, security, and anyone else who might want to give you trouble. We send the strongest message when we keep it focused on GoPuff and what they need to do differently. An argument can become an excuse for the company to get away with stupid stuff, so it’s usually a distraction to get bogged down in arguments — better to stay positive, stay focused, and make an impact. 

Have fun!

The issues at stake are serious — but when we come together and take action and show our power it should be fun too! If you’re feeling a mood of celebration, lean into that — it ought to be fun to make a difference!