#GoPuffYourself — Nov. 23, 2021 — GoPuff Drivers Strike

POWER IN NUMBERS: Use the tools below to bring fellow drivers in your warehouse on board!

Hundreds of drivers have already committed to join the national GoPuff strike on Tuesday, November 23, to demand better pay, flexible access to shifts, and deactivation protection.

If you’re signed on, the most important thing you can do from now until the #GoPuffYourself action is to reach out to fellow drivers and ask them to join the strike with you! A number of core locations organized by driver leaders have reached the numbers they need to ensure an impact. And drivers across the country at dozens of warehouses have committed to join too.

Even one or two drivers refusing to show up for a shift can make a dent — but if you want to see a bigger impact in your location, you’ll need to get commitments from fellow drivers to join in before the day of action. Here’s how!

1: Share the sign-on form

Make sure drivers at your warehouse who want to take part in the action have signed on to the strike commitment here (copy & paste the URL) → https://gp-action.paperform.co/?s=share

This step is critical to make sure they get all the info & updates they need to take part!

You can also share the form on social media, like in GoPuff groups or on Facebook / Twitter. Use the hashtag #GoPuffYourself to amplify the action!

2: Talk to drivers one on one

The #1 way to get more drivers committed to join is with one-on-one conversations to learn what they want to see change, and show them why taking part in the strike will benefit them.

If you’re already connected to drivers in your warehouse and you can call them or contact them through a Slack or GroupMe channel, reach out and try to get them on the phone! Otherwise, you can strike up conversation with fellow drivers while you’re waiting at the warehouse if you’re working until Tuesday — just make sure you’re out of earshot of any managers.

One-on-one asks work best when you take the time to connect and chat, before asking them to join. Going on strike is a big deal, and it takes some time for most people to see why it’s needed. You can use these basic steps in a conversation to help them see why they should take part:

  • Issues: Ask them about their experience with GoPuff, and find common ground on the issues you’ve seen, like pay cuts, missing $ in checks, unfair treatment from GMs, or lack of shifts.

  • Agitation: Ask them why they think these issues exist — why is GoPuff making these changes or refusing to address the problems? What would it take for them to do right by drivers?

  • Education: Share why you’re taking part in the strike, and tell them why you think collective action to impact GoPuff’s bottom line is the only way we’ll see positive change — if we don’t take action, GoPuff will keep driving pay down until it’s $0.

  • Ask: Ask them to take part in the strike alongside you — if they say they don’t want to, ask why & be prepared to respond. For example, drivers may be fearful of retaliation, so you can talk to them about why the risk is worth it to you or how we can reduce the risk of retaliation by filing strike notices before taking action. Or they may say they need the income that day — is losing one day of low pay worth it if we’re losing the chance to get fair pay in the future?

  • Sign on: Make sure you get drivers who want to participate signed on. Explain that there’s critical updates and legal info they will need & Pay Up needs to have their contact info to get it to them. You can pull it up on your phone & ask them to sign right there if you’re talking in person, or text them the link after your phone call: https://gp-action.paperform.co/?s=share

3: Contact us if you want more help with outreach

Pay Up organizers are keeping track of all the drivers who have signed on at each location. If you want to find out how many drivers have already joined at your warehouse, and get more support with outreach to others, email gig@workingwa.org with the subject line “outreach.”

4: Flyers & graphics to share

Feel free to print the flyer below and hand it out to other drivers in your warehouse or post it near the warehouse in a place drivers will see it. (Make sure you don’t post it on GoPuff property.) You can also use the graphics to share on social media with the hashtag #GoPuffYourself!


FLYER (click here to download as a PDF):
(Credit for graphics goes to GoPuff strike leader Sara Carter!)


GRAPHICS (right click & save):